No More Random Encounters!

-You will no longer randomly be thrown into battle when exploring the world of Aurelia
-On screen enemy sprites will patrol different biomes / areas and begin an encounter if they touch the player character
-Once an encounter begins, a randomly selected group of enemies (that belong to the biome / area) will start a battle
-If the player defeats all enemies in the encounter or escapes, the enemy sprite will disappear from the biome / area
-All enemy sprites will reappear in a biome /area if a player leaves and returns to it
-Enemy loot tables have been adjusted to reflect the fact you'll likely encounter fewer enemies (now that they are avoidable)

This is an iterative process (and a huge change) so please let me know what you think :D

- Plexi


Relics of Aurelia Demo 529 MB
4 days ago

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