Balance changes and bug fixes

Quick one:

- A handful of late game boss HPs have been increased to prevent some Relics from steamrolling everything
- Awkward Headband has been tweaked to not guarantee as many hits (it's still super strong though, long live headband meta)
- Inn Keepers in Zellia and Anzant now deal in Aurum instead of "G" (this was just a text error)
- The placement of the first clue in Briarbat Estate Ruins has been swapped with the placement of the statue so it's easier to find
- Sprites can now use poison attacks so beware of that when venturing into the Vile Swamp
- Fay and Fayr have a slight buff to their physical attack power so the Circadian Forest feels less like a stroll in the park and more like a forest
- Grim Ghost is more likely to prioritize using stronger attacks, that combined with a bit more HP should make his clue more impactful
- You can no longer walk on the wall tiles at the Shop Up Top in Gullant Village
- Most spelling errors have been addressed (still always on the look out with those i before e's and the inverse)


Relics of Aurelia Demo 528 MB
Nov 14, 2024

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